Tuesday, January 7, 2014

On babies and boobs.

Hello all!

I’m sorry it’s been so long since I’ve updated. Truth be told, I definitely tried! The morning after my anatomy scan, I typed out this huge long entry about it and Christmas and it even had pictures! And...I hit the wrong key and erased the whole thing. *sigh* So, this is my second attempt, with some taken out, and some added in as things have progressed and developed.

First off, I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season.  My family, and Phillip’s family, absolutely spoiled us rotten this year for Christmas. The kids had a blast, and it was fun because this year they both really understood what was going on and enjoyed the holiday. New Year’s went by in a blur, and the only resolution I have is to be a better mom! I hope I can keep that resolution not only for this year, but for all my years to come! 

So, back to my anatomy scan! My dad and I went to Omaha on Friday, December 27th for my 20-ish week scan of the twins. The boys looked good! Baby B happened to be sitting on Baby A’s head the whole time and wiggled constantly. It was funny to feel it AND see it on the screen as it was happening. Baby B was much easier to be seen and we got a lot of good measurements on him. He was right at 1 pound and measured basically right on track (give or take a few days). Baby A was harder to be seen. He likes to hide from the camera, apparently. The only little hiccup in the whole thing was that they could not find Baby A’s third artery in his umbilical cord. Which isn’t a HUGE deal, even singleton pregnancies can have this happen...all it means is that I’ll require a little more observation (which I’m getting anyway) to make sure Baby A’s growing according to schedule. He was measuring at about 15ounces that day so he’s keeping up with his brother pretty well! The doctor in Omaha seemed a little more concerned about my blood sugar than what I’ve experienced so far. In fact, he’s pretty dang sure that by the end of this pregnancy I’ll be diabetic and need medications/insulin. So far, when I take my sugars...they’re relatively normal. My fasting blood sugars have been about 97...my blood sugars after eating are in the 120’s. I really don’t like being told that I’m GOING to have gestational diabetes. I mean, I know it’s the doctor’s job to be concerned and to be up front with me, but that stubborn little voice in my head LOVES to talk back and make me want to prove people wrong. All in all, I KNOW that it is very possible, and even probable, that I’ll have some issues with diabetes as my pregnancy progresses....but that doesn’t mean that I have to like hearing it. Also, the doctor in Omaha seemed somewhat concerned about my thyroid levels. Thyroid issues run in my family and when I was not pregnant, some of my levels were elevated. We had them checked immediately once I found out I was pregnant and they came back normal. However, the doctor said that this doesn’t mean that I’m out of the woods. Pregnancy can trick the thyroid into thinking it either needs to overproduce, or under produce. So, he thinks that if I was high, and then normal, that my thyroid levels could now be getting TOO low, which is a problem as well. He told me that he would like my blood drawn at my next appointment, which I assumed was in 2 weeks.  Well, that 2 week appointment was yesterday and I asked my normal OB about it and she didn’t seem nearly as concerned about it. I didn’t get my blood drawn, so I’m wondering if they mean to draw it in my next appointment in Omaha, which is in 2 weeks. I should have asked in greater depth yesterday, but I chickened out about it. Babies both looked good on ultrasound yesterday as well, with baby B weighing in at 1 pound 6 ounces, and baby A weighing 1 pound 4 ounces. J

My newest issue that I’ve been slightly obsessing about is breastfeeding.  With Aiden, I wanted to nurse/pump. He was premature and by the time I could actually try to nurse him, the nurses in the NICU kind of just positioned him on me, but he never latched on. We tried a nipple shield without much success and I was kind of sent home without knowing much about how to get him to latch on. I pumped breast milk until he was about 3 months old but I never got fully dedicated it to it...I was stressed all the time and worried about my production. It was not an enjoyable experience whatsoever.  With Jaxon, I decided against nursing because of my negative experience with my Aiden. I regret that decision a LOT. This time around, I would really really love to nurse, but I'm terrified! I feel like a completely new mom, I have NO idea how to go about nursing one, let alone 2. I know there are resources out there for me...classes, lactation consultants, peers...and I plan on using all of those resources but I feel like I tried to prepare myself with Aiden by doing those things without much luck. Also, I have no idea when these babies will decide to come. Of course, I’m planning on keeping them in there as long as I can...but I’m worried that if they come early, they’ll have to be in the NICU and then my chances of breastfeeding exclusively in the hospital (my original plan) will be ruined.  What I would love to do is exclusively breastfeed in the hospital, and when we bring them home breastfeed in during the day, and pump as much as I can so I can have a supply for nights (mostly so I can get some help at night.) I don’t know if this is a smart plan, as I’m not sure the babies will be able to go back and forth from bottle to breast...I just don’t know about a LOT of things when it comes to breast feeding. It seems like it should be the most natural thing in the world, but I am SCARED. Hah. I’m sure I’ll figure it all out as I go.

Well that’s all that I have for you for now, my friends. Hopefully I’ll get around to updating more frequently!
Baby A's face!

Little Peanut!

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