Thursday, November 14, 2013

Flock of Byrds!

Well, hello world! I have new news on the twin-front! Yesterday I went to the doctor with my momma, which was a blessing in and of itself because she helped me keep my thoughts organized and made sure I asked all of the question on my hastily scrawled list.
I was going for my regular check up and for my first glucose test. One of my blood levels was on the high end of normal my very first check up, so this was test was done early for me and babies to make sure we didn't need to take some extra steps. Fortunately, I passed! My blood sugar and my hemoglobin were perfect! Such a huge relief. I was so worried because of my size, and just carrying twins increases your risk of gestational diabetes, so WOW, I feel better.
It seems like I have a few more bumps in the road, though. Before my next appointment in two weeks, I have to do a 24 hour urine analysis. Not super happy about it, but I gotta do what I gotta do. I'll get through it, it's just a little inconvenient. Also, two days after Christmas, I have to make a trip to Omaha. Apparently, because of my size, I have to get a special ultrasound. Okay, okay, I'm being dramatic. It's also because I'm having twins and the ultrasound machines they have in my current doctor's office is not as high tech. So, when we go in for our 20 week anatomy scan, we'll be able to make absolutely sure that both babies are growing normally and safely!
We did get another ultrasound yesterday, and get ready, because I'm about to get mushy. I didn't make it a secret that I wasn't thrilled when I found out that we were having twins. I was scared (Okay, I still am) and I was upset and I felt AWFUL for feeling either of those things. I struggled hard with guilt and depression and anger, all combined with the psychotic mood swings of a pregnant lady to begin with. The first week after finding out was not a fun one.
However, I watched my two babies yesterday and fell in love. Oh, man. Baby A, who we saw first on all three ultrasounds was there with a perfect little profile. He or She was patient while the doctor took measurements, and waved a few times for the camera. Baby B, who was the little stinker hiding out, finally started showing some personality. Legs kicking, arms waving, booty shaking, barely held still during the entire ultrasound. I closed my eyes during both heartbeats and I just listened to them. It was all I could hear and I felt like my heart and theirs were trying to find synchronicity. And everything clicked. Of course, I supposed to have twins. Of course, I will be able to love them fully. I already do. They are mine, and they know me, just like I know them. This was how it was meant to be. Life is not supposed to make sense all of the time, and it's not supposed to be easy. But I know I can do this. I know I can, because if there is one thing I am GREAT at, it is loving my kids. I'm getting just a little teary eyed over here, not only because I'm feeling the little thump-thumps of my little ones inside, I'm also hearing the gentle snores of my oldest son and I'm feeling so full and complete. I really am so very lucky.
OKAY, more about the twins! We found out that the twins are Dichorionic/Diamniotic. Di/di twins are the most common type of twins and the lowest risk, thank God.  Di/di twins can be identical if the egg split very early, but fraternal twins are always di/di.  In di/di twins, each twin has their own placenta and their own amniotic sac.  Di/di twin pregnancies have increased risks over singleton pregnancies, but this is the best case scenario in twin world.  The biggest worries tend to be going into preterm labor and making sure both babies are growing adequately. I am also relieved to hear this news. I am already high risk as it is, I was so worried about this.
I'm not one for making predictions, because I really don't want to have my heart set on something and then be set up for "disappointment". But, I really feel like I have one boy and one girl in there. Something just feels like it's telling me I have one of each. I feel like Baby A is my little lady, and Baby B snuck in there to be my third rowdy boy. I know I could be totally wrong (And I probably am, since I'm putting this in the blog universe for everyone to see), but for whatever reason I just feel like that's how it is in there. At one point during the ultrasound yesterday, the babies were trying to play footsy and it was the cutest thing. I can't wait to see the bond they share outside of my tummy.
This weekend is my boy's birthday "party", which is actually just shaping up to be a very small get together, and I am excited to spend the day celebrating my two little men. I got both boys a present each and tomorrow I'm going out to get streamers and candles and balloons....even if no one comes we'll have a blast and that's what I'm looking forward to. I am actually excited for the holidays this year. I can't wait for Thanksgiving. Aiden is already ready for Santa and Jaxon keeps pointing out Christmas lights he sees on TV. I'm determined to not have this holiday season be a bummer. Especially since I'll be getting a wonderful Christmas present two days after...:)
I will be updating more frequently from here on; our adventures are just beginning!


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